Tommy Rios attended St. Aloysius from 1962 to 1967 and would have graduated with the class of 1970.
Tommy was diagnosed with Leukemia in the 5th grade and never finished the school year as the cancer took him from a loving family, a supportive faculty & parish and 25 classmates who never stopped admiring his courage.
Tommy’s dying wish was to come back to school to be with his teachers and classmates one last time. He came back to school on a Monday pumped full of life’s blood and passed away the following Friday with everyone’s admiration and affection.
Tommy displayed determination and courage throughout his fight with cancer and in his memory a scholarship has been set up to help St. Aloysius children who demonstrate Tommy’s characteristics continue with a Catholic education in high school. Cancer kept Tommy from fulfilling his dreams but you can help others, in Tommy’s name, fulfill theirs.