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Spiritual Formation

Of primary importance in a Catholic Elementary School is the imparting of information and spiritual formation of the entire school community. In cooperation with the parents as the primary educators, the school, through its philosophy, religion program, and extra-curricular activities, supports the religious and spiritual development of the students.

Religion is not only the central course in the school curriculum and is taught daily in all grades, but it also permeates the whole curriculum and purpose of our school.

Students of parishioners in grades 2-8 are prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist, which are received in the spring of each year. There are parent education classes that precede the student’s reception of these sacraments. An active part is required of the parents in the preparation of the children for these sacraments.

Mass is celebrated throughout the school year. Dates and times of these Eucharistic celebrations are predetermined by the teachers, priests, and principal. Children are involved in the planning and the implementation of school liturgies. Opportunities for confession are offered to the students during the school year. The students are also given the opportunity to participate in prayer services and other Para-liturgical services. Prayer in each classroom is part of the daily routine.

Family Life

A family life program is taught to each grade each year for about a five-week period. Parent involvement is the key to each child developing a respect for life. Family Life education is intended to provide a comprehensive view of human development and behavior, personal relationship, and managements of resources. The purpose of formalized family life education is to inculcate Catholic values, virtues, and attitudes that are appropriate to the subject matter and in a manner suited to the understanding of the students, and it shall be integrated when appropriate into Religion, Science, and Social Studies. It is always the parent’s responsibility to provide instruction in human reproduction for their children. Formal instruction on the subject of human reproduction, through an orderly and comprehensive development of the topic, is principally the responsibility of the parents.

It is assumed that parents are meeting their obligation to bring their children to Mass every Sunday, to take their children to the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis, and to pray with them at home daily.

Students attend school Mass once a week and all St. Aloysius families are required to attend Family Mass once a month. 

Please refer to the Student Parent Handbook for more detail.

Student Service Hours

All students are required to complete service hours in an effort to teach them the importance of providing service to others. By participating in the service hour program, students are able to interact with the faculty, their peers and community on a new level. To learn more about student service hours, requirements, and opportunities, go to the Give Time page.

Contact Us

St. Aloysius Gonzaga School

2023 Nadeau Street
Los Angeles, CA 90001
Phone: (323) 582-4965

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday:
7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." –Matthew 19:14

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