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Family Service Hours

Lunch Program/Kitchen

10:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Bake Sales

1 parent service hour will be credited for home baked goods. An hour will be credited for a donation which is valued at $10.00 or for a store-bought item with proof of receipt. If the parent does not participate in their assigned bake sale they are required to pay $10 to the school on the next working day.

Falcon Family Meetings

1 hour will be credited to service hours for attendance at each PTO meeting. With the assistance of some very dedicated parents, St. Aloysius has developed a Parent/Teacher Organization. The PTO organizes various events throughout the school year to raise funds for the school. We are always in need of parents to assist with the PTO activities.


Electrical, plumbing, painting, carpentry work, door locks, replace broken windows, handyman, and other specialties as needed.

Classroom Assistance

Our teachers are in constant need of assistance. If you would like to assist with various tasks in the classroom please notify the teacher in advance.

Athletic Coaching Volunteers

Due to the state of the current economy, we are only able to have an athletic program with the assistance of our parents and faculty. If you are a sports enthusiast and would like to volunteer your time coaching our talented students, please notify the office.


Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and dress appropriately. Volunteers are responsible to get the form verifying the service hours from the person in charge of the service or function for that day.

Room Parent

Please consider volunteering to be a room parent and speak with your child’s teacher about this by the end of September. Room parents organize classrooms parties with the pre-approval of the teacher and principal.

Field Trip Chaperones

Service hours will be awarded for those who attend field trips as a chaperone. One service hour will be provided for each hour spent chaperoning. Chaperones must pay the cost of attending the field trip and only the parent or grandparent of the student may attend. 

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